Binah (UK) - Hallucinating in Resurrector CD
Despite none of the bands members being newcomers to underground Metal, the entity that is Binah has spawned whats certain to be remembered as one of this years weightiest and hungriest-sounding full-length recordings. Spanning ten tracks of morbid-sounding death, Hallucinaing in Resurrecture captures the UK trio's concoction of obscure and primordial sounds; one that makes no secret of their Finnish, Dutch and Swedish (even some U.S. via Autopsy and Morbid Angel) prime inspirations yet oozes a dense ambiance that's distinctly their own. Whether exploring fast and serpentine sections or sparser and more reflective passages; this beast remains unrestrained in its intensity. Focusing on its song-craft and otherworldly in its vibes; familiar yet eerie, Hallucinating is pure death.