Blood of the Black Owl - Light the Fires! Special Digipak
Bindrune and Glass Throat Recordings are proud to announce the release of Blood of the Black Owl's Light the Fires! CD format. Packaged in Glass Throat Recordings exclusive 6" x 6" six panel Deluxe Gatefold, featuring a soft touch Aqueous flood with a spot varnish effect.
"Light the Fires!" rises and shines upon lifting the spirit's veil, through the spiritual teachings of the six directional path and the sacred breath within us all. A soundscape to help surface, understand and heal an ever increasingly egoic nature of programmed disconnection, a sickness we as a species carry within an unbalanced circle of spirit, rooted deeply into a fragile cyclical self. It seems, we are no longer a human being and have become the human doing! The crafting of "Light the Fires!" offers a medicinal musical, aiding in the clearing of poisons found to feed this ego. A ritual of musical restoration seeking balance towards this great and vast four quartered circle of life.
As the feathers of this sonic sigil uplift to the breath of Father Sky and the blood drips stewardship to the Mother's womb, the Blood of the Black Owl is offering to hold up a mirror to the self, facing the shadows of ego head on! It is to share the light, through the understanding of dark, allowing growth and reflection upon being once again.
An honoring voice awakening to the survivalists, to those connected ones aware and to the seekers of the flame whom fight the silent battles…