Bindrune Recordings
Forest of the Soul (US) - Restless in Flight CD
Sale price
$ 6.00
Regular price
$ 11.00
Featuring both members of Nechochwen, FotS is a hard band to pigeonhole, for they encompass the fluidity of classical acoustic instrumentation, rock, folk, and an undeniable Appalachian Country spirit that stirs with the eclectic soul of their homeland. Fans of Opeth's "Damnation" will find a kindred strand of creativity within this ever flowing, unpredictable, and passionate to the core release, yet FotS truly set out on their own path by celebrating music for music's sake. Unclassifiable and amazingly beautiful, "Restless in Flight" is Forest of the Soul's 3rd release and it blew us away with such a strong level of atmosphere... an aura that perfectly embodies the nature of what we try to uphold with Bindrune Recordings.