Silent Path (Iran) - Mourner Portraits CD
Silent Path is another musical project from Saman Nu, the musician from Tehran, Iran behind the atmospheric Black Metal project, Ekove Efrits. While with Ekove Efrits, Saman creates a rich and textured atmospheric sound which is filled with soaring melodies, doom-laden ambience, and deep melancholy, Silent Path however is a completely different beast altogether. The sound is grittier, darker, and much less optimistic and brings together elements of down-tempo depressive black metal, funeral doom, and ambience. with a strong emphasis on soaring melancholic riffs. This album is a bleak hour-long journey into the depravity that humanity is capable of, and should appeal to all fans of depressive black metal, in particular those who enjoy Exiled From Light, and Ekove Efrits. This album was originally completed in 2009 and now finally gets an official release, complete with a 16 page booklet including lyrics, notes, and more.